Friday, 9 October 2015

quality control

Kalpaka Chemicals is equipped with modern laboratory to test various parameters of Activated Carbon. Our way of managing quality of raw materials, semi-finished goods, and finished goods is unique in the activated carbon industry. We have implemented Enterprise Resource Planning ERP) software which enables our team of Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) professionals to track/identify/ measure each bag, lot, and batch from various stages of activation, sorting, screening, packing, etc. for quality.

Recently we have acquired Malvern Mastersizer 3000 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer that enables us to provide accurate results to our customers. Malvern Mastersizer helps Kalpaka to deliver customer defined, application specific, activated carbon size distribution/requirements. New additions to our modern instruments lineup are being considered and we intend to buy instrument to measure Arsenic content in a given sample.


Kalbon JULIA Wood Carbon Powder Series

Wood based Activated Carbons are rising in popularity, with applications which in the past utilized coal or coconut carbon products, with regard to industrial applications.

Wood carbons possess outstanding decolorizing attributes due to their particular unique porosimetry.  Their high surface area seen as a significant percentage of mesopores and macropores generates a fairly low density along with an environmentally friendly and renewable supply of raw materials.  Wood Based Powder Activated Carbon is used for decolorizing in sugar liquors, juices, soybean, and food industries.

Wood powder activated carbon is non-toxic, without taste and it has the appearance of a fine black powder. Offering a sizable surface area, and robust adsorption abilities, it is perfectly suited to water clarifying and purifying within the production of sugars, pharmaceuticals, beverages and also wines.  It is also used around the globe for waste water treatment as well as in the decolorizing, refining, and purification of organic solvents.

Kalbon PAC Powder Series

PAC is made from organic materials with high carbon contents such as wood, lignite and coal. 

PAC typically has a diameter less than 0.1 mm and an apparent density ranging between 23 and 46 lb/ft3, depending on the material used and manufacturing process. Iodine and molasses numbers are typically used to characterize PAC.  These numbers describe the quantity of small and large pore volumes in a sample of PAC.  A minimum iodine number of 500 is specified for PAC by AWWA standards.
PAC is used by water treatment plants on either a full time basis or as needed for taste and odour control or removal of organic chemicals. PAC can be fed as a powder using dry feed equipment or as a slurry using metering pumps. Dry feed systems are typically used for smaller dosages.  PAC can also be mixed with water and fed as a slurry. Slurry systems are normally used when PAC is frequently added and the required dosages are high. 

PAC is normally added early in the treatment process and is subsequently removed either by sedimentation or by the filter beds during backwashing. The PAC application point should allow for (1) an adequate contact time between the PAC and organics, and (2) avoid coating PAC particles with other water treatment plant chemicals.  A minimum contact time of about 15 minutes is required for most taste and odour compounds; however, significantly longer contact times may be required for Methyl-Iso-Borneol (MIB) and Geosmin removal.

PAC dosages can range between 1 to 100 mg/L depending on the type and concentrations of organic compounds present.  Dosages of 1 to 20 mg/L are typical for nominal taste and odour control.  Application of PAC generates additional sludge which is not able to be regenerated as is spent GAC.  PAC sludge will contain elevated concentrations of the contaminants removed and must be disposed in accordance with State and federal laws; however, it is not likely to be classified as a hazardous waste.

Kalbon GSP Syrup Series

The production of soft drinks involves the filtering of both sugar syrup and water used in the bottling process.

The source and degree of refinement or purity of the sugar supplied for syrup making will largely determine the treatment and filtration needed.  There may be as much as 0.8% by weight of impurities in unfiltered syrup and the color requirements of the finished drink may require decolorization of the syrup as well as filtration.  Analysis of the available sugar should show the percentage purity of the sugar as well as impurity and color levels.

Kalbon GCF Cigarette Filter Series

Cigarette smoking is the world’s single most preventable cause of disease and death.

It is estimated that each year over five million people throughout the world die from cigarette related illness.  Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 compounds.  Among these Nicotine is the primary source of tobacco dependence and others are toxins and carcinogens. 

Tobacco is an ever changing and extremely complex mixture of chemicals.  It is formed when tobacco itself, a complex mixture of over 2000 chemical constituents, is burnt during the smoking of cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.  When a cigarette burns, thousands of chemical substances are generated and they are distributed between the gas phase and the particles that constitute the smoke aerosol. 

Cellulose Acetate filtered cigarettes contain substantial amounts of p-BenzoSemiQuinone (p-BSQ) which is about 100 to 200 µg /cigarette.  It has been determined that when a Cellulose Acetate filter is replaced by a Charcoal filter, the amount of p-BSQ in the mainstream smoke is reduced by 73-80% and prevents protein carbonyl formation to the extent of 70– 90%.

Kalbon GFL Filter Series

Kalbon GFL filter series are designed for efficient use in fixed beds for the purification and decolorization of many aqueous and organic liquids.

The particle size of GFL filter series carbon has been selected to give maximum adsorption rates and reasonable pressure drop characteristics with liquors of relatively low viscosity. 

It is made from a superior quality activated carbon with low ash, sulphur, and phosphorous content.  It has a large surface area, high pore volume, high mechanical hardness and chemical stability, longer operating life, and it is easy to regenerate.

20x50 is a virgin granular activated carbon designed specifically for point-of-use water treatment applications where impurities are removed in drinking water filtering units with short contact times

Kalbon GMX Merox Series

Merox is an acronym for Mercaptan Oxidation.

It is a proprietary catalytic chemical process developed by UOP used inoil refineries and natural gas processing plants to remove mercaptans from LPG, propane, butanes, light naphthas, kerosene and jet fuel by converting them to liquid hydrocarbon disulfides.

The Merox™ process is a technology developed and licensed by UOP for the purpose of reducing sulfur or sweetening sulfur compounds in hydrocarbon streams. The process is one of the most widely applied technologies in the world for this service.  While found in most petroleum refining facilities, the Merox process is also applicable for other facilities processing sulfur-containing hydrocarbons.

MEROX process (acronym of Mercaptan Oxidation), UOP licensed, consists in catalytic oxidation of mercaptants that are present in hydrocarbons as consequence of petrol or natural gas refinement activities. MEROX process allows to remove mercaptans from GPL, propane, butane, naphtha, kerosene etc. by turning them into disulfides according to the following reaction:

4 RSH + O2 = 2RSSR + 2H2O

Kalbon GVP Vapor Phase Series

Vapor-phase Granular Activated Charcoal (GAC) is a treatment technology that removes contaminants from air. Contaminated air is passed through one or more vessels containing GAC.

Contaminants absorb onto the surfaces of the activated carbon grains. The thermal processing of carbon, often from coconut shells, creates small porous particles with a large internal surface area. This processing activates the carbon. The activated carbon attracts and adsorbs organic molecules as well as certain metal and inorganic molecules. When the concentration of contaminants in the vapor exiting the vessels exceeds a certain level, the carbon must be replaced. Spent carbon can be regenerated in place; removed and regenerated at an off-site facility; or most commonly, removed and disposed.

Vapor Phase Carbon Adsorption Systems are designed to remove certain gaseous contaminants, including Dioxins/ Furans, Hydrogen Sulphide, Hydrogen Chloride, Ammonia and Mercaptans. 
Rapid economic development and urban population growth have triggered a series of challenges to the endeavors of maintaining the clean air.  Urban air is cause of public concern, largely as a result of instances of smog and health problems. 

New pollutants are being increasingly recognized.  Air pollution sources have grown and so also the pollutants. Some of these have led to the emission of some hazardous air pollutants like Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC).  VOCs are chemicals that have high vapor pressure exceeding 0.5 kPa at 25⁰ C, like benzene, toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, and methylene chloride.  Major VOC emission sources are automobiles exhaust (45%) followed by industrial sites (41%) and remaining from solid waste disposal and from miscellaneous sources. 

The acute and chronic effects of VOCs on health and environment include eye-nose-throat irritation, cancer, liver damage, and kidney damage.  Hence, many VOCs have been identified as toxic and carcinogenic.  Approximately 235 million tons of VOCs are released every year into the atmosphere by man-made sources.  The subject has become important because of the impact on environment and human.

Kalbon GAU Gold Recovery

Kalpaka Chemicals offers unique line of products that caters to Gold Industry

Our GAU series Kalbon carbon products offers superior performance in terms of providing the highest gold adsorption capacity (K value), rate of adsorption (R value), superior hardness and abrasion resistance.  Our Gold Carbon products provide our customers with exceptional value by maximizing yield while minimizing loss.

Activated carbon is a highly porous organic material comprised of a series of graphitic plates, which are interconnected by carbon-carbon bonds. This creates a highly porous structure and gives an extensive internal surface area, where “adsorption” occurs.  Adsorption is a surface reaction that causes compounds to “stick” to the surface of the carbon.  The phenomenon is the result of intermolecular attractions or forces inherent to the carbon surface.

In gold recovery applications, adsorption forces remove gold from solutions and adhere the metal complex to the carbon surface.  Because the reaction occurs at the surface of the carbon, the adsorption process is relatively easy to reverse, a process called “desorption.”  While it is important to maximize the adsorption of gold from the solution, it is equally as important to subsequently desorb the gold from the carbon.  Any molecules that remain adsorbed after elution or stripping translate into gold that cannot be recovered.  As a result, it is important to select an activated carbon that efficiently adsorbs and desorbs to maximize overall yield and profitability.

In physical adsorption, contaminants are adsorbed and held on the internal Activated Carbon Structure surface of activated carbon due to Van der Waals Forces of attraction between the carbon atom and the molecule.  The force of attraction diminishes as the distance between the pore wall and the adsorbate molecule increases.

Gold alone is not soluble, and will not be readily adsorbed by activated carbon until it is cyanidated, forming a gold-cyanide coordination complex called dicyanoaurate.  It is this gold-cyanide complex that is attracted to the tremendous surface area available on activated carbon, allowing for a variety of recovery techniques.  One handful of activated carbon has a surface area equivalent to that of a football field.  The massive surface area of activated carbon makes the material an ideal adsorbent.
Activated carbon can be produced from a variety of different precursors, including coal, coconut, wood, and lignite, which are the primary materials used to make commercial-scale activated carbon. The starting material dictates the pore size distribution of the final activated carbon product. Typically, coconut is the precursor for gold recovery applications because of its tight pore structure, high activity pores, and hardness.

Kalbon PET Effluent Treatment

Activated carbon adsorption is most commonly applied in industrial wastewater treatment to meet stringent regulations for discharge into receiving waters. 

In industrial wastewater treatment, activated carbon adsorption can be utilized as a separate unit process. It may be placed after various physicochemical treatment steps such as coagulation/clarification, filtration, and dissolved air flotation.  Another alternative is to use activated carbon adsorption prior to biological treatment to remove compounds which might be toxic to a biological system.

Nowadays, activated carbon finds wide application in the treatment of wastewaters generated from industries such as food, textile, chemical, pharmaceutical, pesticides and herbicides production, coke plant, munitions factories, petroleum refineries and storage installations, organic pigments and dyes, mineral processing plants, insecticides, pesticides, resins, detergents, explosives, and dyestuffs.  It is also employed in the treatment of sanitary and hazardous landfill leachates.

Kalbon GAQ – Aqua Series

Homeowners are increasingly concerned about contaminants in their water supply that may affect health or cause taste and odour problems.

Sources of these contaminants might include solvents, pesticides, industrial wastes, or contaminants from leaking underground storage tanks.

Contaminants such as benzene, chlorobenzenes, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride, and vinyl chloride in drinking water may pose health risks if they are present in quantities above the EPA Health Advisory Level (HAL).  Pesticides, such as Atrazine, also can pose a health risk if present in quantities above EPA guidelines. Activated carbon (AC) filtration can effectively reduce some of these organic chemicals as well as certain harmless taste and odour-producing compounds.

Some drinking water may be disinfected with chlorine or chloramines.  During disinfection the reaction of chlorine with organic matter can produce compounds such as trihalomethanes (THMs) as byproducts.  These disinfection byproducts may increase the risk of certain cancers.  The EPA mandates that public systems have less than 80 parts per billion (ppb) of THMs in their treated water.  Activated Carbon filtration can be effective in removing chlorine, chloramines, and some disinfection byproducts.

This granular activated carbon is used for water treatment applications in fixed bed media filters.  It is used for removal of taste, odour, chlorine, and dissolved organic contaminants from potable and process water.  It is also used in DM plant filters, Tap water filters, Desalination plants, and Aquariums.

Kalbon GAQ – Aqua Series

Homeowners are increasingly concerned about contaminants in their water supply that may affect health or cause taste and odour problems.

Sources of these contaminants might include solvents, pesticides, industrial wastes, or contaminants from leaking underground storage tanks.

Contaminants such as benzene, chlorobenzenes, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride, and vinyl chloride in drinking water may pose health risks if they are present in quantities above the EPA Health Advisory Level (HAL).  Pesticides, such as Atrazine, also can pose a health risk if present in quantities above EPA guidelines. Activated carbon (AC) filtration can effectively reduce some of these organic chemicals as well as certain harmless taste and odour-producing compounds.

Some drinking water may be disinfected with chlorine or chloramines.  During disinfection the reaction of chlorine with organic matter can produce compounds such as trihalomethanes (THMs) as byproducts.  These disinfection byproducts may increase the risk of certain cancers.  The EPA mandates that public systems have less than 80 parts per billion (ppb) of THMs in their treated water.  Activated Carbon filtration can be effective in removing chlorine, chloramines, and some disinfection byproducts.

This granular activated carbon is used for water treatment applications in fixed bed media filters.  It is used for removal of taste, odour, chlorine, and dissolved organic contaminants from potable and process water.  It is also used in DM plant filters, Tap water filters, Desalination plants, and Aquariums.

Kalbon Crystal is an acid washed high purity high activity granular activated carbon

Kalbon Crystal is an acid washed high purity high activity granular activated carbon manufactured by steam activation from carefully selected coconut shells.

This activated carbon is produced for use in ultra-pure water treatment systems requiring low conductivity and exceptionally high purity.  This activated carbon is also specifically designed for the removal of heavy hydrocarbons from recovered condensate. The acid washing process removes soluble silica from the matrix of the activated carbon to prevent leaching into the condensate.


Some of the benefits of Acid Wash carbon include Dechlorination of water, better taste, removal of bad odors, removal of color from water, removal of organic substances, etc.  Acid wash carbon has extensive internal structure, neutral surface, maximum hardness, extended operational life, high volume activity, and rapid pH stabilization.

Acid wash carbon is used in various applications such as Condensate de-oiling, semiconductor process water, dialysis treatment, point of entry treatment units, and protection of reverse osmosis membranes from chlorine and organic fouling.

Kalbon Crystal is an acid washed high purity high activity granular activated carbon

Kalbon Crystal is an acid washed high purity high activity granular activated carbon manufactured by steam activation from carefully selected coconut shells.

This activated carbon is produced for use in ultra-pure water treatment systems requiring low conductivity and exceptionally high purity.  This activated carbon is also specifically designed for the removal of heavy hydrocarbons from recovered condensate. The acid washing process removes soluble silica from the matrix of the activated carbon to prevent leaching into the condensate. 

Some of the benefits of Acid Wash carbon include Dechlorination of water, better taste, removal of bad odors, removal of color from water, removal of organic substances, etc.  Acid wash carbon has extensive internal structure, neutral surface, maximum hardness, extended operational life, high volume activity, and rapid pH stabilization.
Acid wash carbon is used in various applications such as Condensate de-oiling, semiconductor process water, dialysis treatment, point of entry treatment units, and protection of reverse osmosis membranes from chlorine and organic fouling.

Activated carbon

Kalbon Aquapura is a water washed high purity high activity granular activated carbon manufactured by steam activation from carefully selected coconut shells.
Water washing is primarily performed to remove ash content from the granular activated carbon.  Water wash is also used for regeneration of granular activated carbon.  Kalpaka Chemicals can perform water washing on different mesh sizes as per the customer’s requirement.

Coal based activated carbon

Coal based activated carbon originates from coal that has undergone a steam activation process.

During activation, millions of pores are created on the surface of the carbon, increasing the total surface area.  Coal based carbon has mainly meso-pores and macro-pores and is very popular in gas phase purification, potable water purification, wastewater purification and aquarium/pond water purification applications.  Kalpaka Chemicals can perform water washing on different mesh sizes as per the customer’s requirement.

coconut shell activated carbon

why kalpaka

We place prime importance in sourcing our raw materials from best crops cum fields and from reliable prequalifiedsuppliers who consistently supply charcoal of highest quality.

All the raw materials undergo stringent tests prior to being selected for activation process.

We practice sustainable activation process that controls carbon emission and energy consumption.

All our activated carbon products are subjected to rigorous quality control process and are NSF certified and ISO compliant.

Packing and shipment of finished products are professionally handled by our own Logistics Department.

We practice proactive hands-on approach to customer service right from sales, order processing, to product delivery

Kalpaka Chemicals - About us

 Our values

Set up world’s best state of the art activated carbon manufacturing facility.

Lessen our carbon imprint by relying on Solar Power for our energy needs.

Train our factory personnel to be world class skilled work force.

Be an environmentally conscious and responsible company.

Practice sustainable manufacturing methods.

Our Vision

Our annual production capacity is 10,000 Metric Ton and our annual sales turnover is 20 Million US Dollars.  Plans are underway to increase the capacity by another 50% before the end of 2015.
We have state of the art system to process acid washed and water washed activated carbon.  Our machineries can produce carbon from mesh sizes varying from millimeters to sub-micron range.

KALBON Activated Carbon

We are a global leader in the manufacturing and processing of Activated Carbon. Our activated carbon products are sourced from natural products such as coconut shell, coal, wood, etc.

Wemarket our products under the brand name KALBON Activated Carbon. It is manufactured by Kalpaka Chemicals Private Limited which is based in southern Indian port city of Tuticorin, India.

Kalbon activated carbon products are widely used by various industries in gas purification, decaffeination, gold purification, metal extraction, water purification, medicine, sewage treatment, air filters in gas masks and respirators, filters in compressed air, and many other applications.